Early Initiation of Prophylactic Anticoagulation Reduces COVID-19 Mortality in Patients Admitted to the Hospital
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Early Initiation of Prophylactic Anticoagulation for Prevention of Coronavirus Disease 2019 Mortality in Patients Admitted to Hospital in the United States: Cohort Study
BMJ 2021 Feb 11;372(xx)n311, CT Rentsch, JA Beckman, L Tomlinson, WF Gellad, C Alcorn, F Kidwai-Khan, M Skanderson, E Brittain, JT King, YL Ho, S Eden, S Kundu, MF Lann, RA Greevy, PM Ho, PA Heidenreich, DA Jacobson, IJ Douglas, JP Tate, SJW Evans, D Atkins, AC Justice, MS FreibergFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.