Early Detection of Ocular Abnormalities in a Neonatal Eye Screening Program
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Early Detection of Ocular Abnormalities in a Chinese Multicentre Neonatal Eye Screening Programme—1-Year Result
Acta Ophthalmol 2020 Sep 15;[EPub Ahead of Print], P Fei, Z Liu, L He, N Li, L Xu, M Zhang, Y Zhou, F Li, H Wang, Q Zhang, Q Huang, Y Li, S Chen, W Guo, Y Li, Y Liu, J Lu, Y Wang, X Zhu, L Wang, Y Wang, J Xian, Y Xu, X Ji, T Liang, J Ren, X Zhang, J Li, P ZhaoFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.