Disease Progression and Mortality in Patients With Gleason Score 9–10 Prostate Cancer
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Radical Prostatectomy, External Beam Radiotherapy, or External Beam Radiotherapy With Brachytherapy Boost and Disease Progression and Mortality in Patients With Gleason Score 9-10 Prostate Cancer
JAMA 2018 Mar 06;319(9)896-905, AU Kishan, RR Cook, JP Ciezki, AE Ross, MM Pomerantz, PL Nguyen, T Shaikh, PT Tran, KA Sandler, RG Stock, GS Merrick, DJ Demanes, DE Spratt, EI Abu-Isa, TB Wedde, W Lilleby, DJ Krauss, GK Shaw, R Alam, CA Reddy, AJ Stephenson, EA Klein, DY Song, JJ Tosoian, JV Hegde, SM Yoo, R Fiano, AV D'Amico, NG Nickols, WJ Aronson, A Sadeghi, S Greco, C Deville, T McNutt, TL DeWeese, RE Reiter, JW Said, ML Steinberg, EM Horwitz, PA Kupelian, CR KingFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.