Diet-Driven Microbial Ecology Underpins Associations Between Cancer Immunotherapy Outcomes and the Gut Microbiome
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Diet-driven microbial ecology underpins associations between cancer immunotherapy outcomes and the gut microbiome
Nat. Med. 2022 Sep 22;[EPub Ahead of Print], RC Simpson, ER Shanahan, M Batten, ILM Reijers, M Read, IP Silva, JM Versluis, R Ribeiro, AS Angelatos, J Tan, C Adhikari, AM Menzies, RPM Saw, M Gonzalez, KF Shannon, AJ Spillane, R Velickovic, AJ Lazar, AV Damania, AK Mishra, M Chelvanambi, A Banerjee, NJ Ajami, JA Wargo, L Macia, AJ Holmes, JS Wilmott, CU Blank, RA Scolyer, GV LongFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.