Detection and Localization of Surgically Resectable Cancers With a Multianalyte Blood Test
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Detection and Localization of Surgically Resectable Cancers With a Multi-Analyte Blood Test
Science 2018 Jan 18;[EPub Ahead of Print], JD Cohen, L Li, Y Wang, C Thoburn, B Afsari, L Danilova, C Douville, AA Javed, F Wong, A Mattox, RH Hruban, CL Wolfgang, MG Goggins, M Dal Molin, TL Wang, R Roden, AP Klein, J Ptak, L Dobbyn, J Schaefer, N Silliman, M Popoli, JT Vogelstein, JD Browne, RE Schoen, RE Brand, J Tie, P Gibbs, HL Wong, AS Mansfield, J Jen, SM Hanash, M Falconi, PJ Allen, S Zhou, C Bettegowda, L Diaz, C Tomasetti, KW Kinzler, B Vogelstein, AM Lennon, N PapadopoulosFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.