Deep-Learning System Detects Neoplasia in Patients With Barrett's Esophagus With Higher Accuracy Than Endoscopists
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Deep-Learning System Detects Neoplasia in Patients With Barrett's Esophagus With Higher Accuracy Than Endoscopists in a Multi-Step Training and Validation Study With Benchmarking
Gastroenterology 2019 Nov 21;[EPub Ahead of Print], AJ de Groof, MR Struyvenberg, J van der Putten, F van der Sommen, KN Fockens, WL Curvers, S Zinger, RE Pouw, E Coron, F Baldaque-Silva, O Pech, B Weusten, A Meining, H Neuhaus, R Bisschops, J Dent, EJ Schoon, PH de With, JJ BergmanFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.