Dapagliflozin for Heart Failure According to BMI
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Dapagliflozin for heart failure according to body mass index: the DELIVER trial
Eur Heart J 2022 Aug 27;[EPub Ahead of Print], C Adamson, T Kondo, P Jhund, RA de Boer, JWC Honorio, B Claggett, AS Desai, MAA Gamba, W Al Habeeb, AF Hernandez, SE Inzucchi, MN Kosiborod, CSP Lam, AM Langkilde, D Lindholm, E Bachus, SE Litwin, F Martinez, M Petersson, SJ Shah, M Vaduganathan, PN Vinh, U Wilderäng, SD Solomon, JJ McMurrayFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.