Coronary Sinus–Narrowing Device in Refractory Angina
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Efficacy of a Device to Narrow the Coronary Sinus in Refractory Angina
N. Engl. J. Med 2015 Feb 05;372(6)519-527, S Verheye, EM Jolicœur, MW Behan, T Pettersson, P Sainsbury, J Hill, M Vrolix, P Agostoni, T Engstrom, M Labinaz, R de Silva, M Schwartz, N Meyten, NG Uren, S Doucet, JF Tanguay, S Lindsay, TD Henry, CJ White, ER Edelman, S BanaiFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.