Comparison of Antibiotics With Appendectomy for Appendicitis
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A Randomized Trial Comparing Antibiotics With Appendectomy for Appendicitis
N. Engl. J. Med 2020 Oct 05;[EPub Ahead of Print], DR Flum, GH Davidson, SE Monsell, NI Shapiro, SR Odom, SE Sanchez, FT Drake, K Fischkoff, J Johnson, JH Patton, H Evans, J Cuschieri, AK Sabbatini, BA Faine, DA Skeete, MK Liang, V Sohn, K McGrane, ME Kutcher, B Chung, DW Carter, P Ayoung-Chee, W Chiang, A Rushing, S Steinberg, CS Foster, SM Schaetzel, TP Price, KA Mandell, L Ferrigno, M Salzberg, DA DeUgarte, AH Kaji, GJ Moran, D Saltzman, HB Alam, PK Park, LS Kao, CM Thompson, WH Self, JT Yu, A Wiebusch, RJ Winchell, S Clark, A Krishnadasan, E Fannon, DC Lavallee, BA Comstock, B Bizzell, PJ Heagerty, LG Kessler, DA TalanFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.