Clonal Hematopoiesis in the Donor Does Not Adversely Affect Long-Term Outcomes After Allogeneic HSCT
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Clonal hematopoiesis in the donor does not adversely affect long-term outcomes following allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: result from 13-year followup
Haematologica 2023 Feb 02;[EPub Ahead of Print], KH Kim, T Kim, I Novitzky-Basso, H Lee, Y Yoo, JS Ahn, I Pasic, A Law, W Lam, FV Michelis, A Gerbitz, A Viswabandya, J Lipton, R Kumar, J Mattsson, Z Zhang, N Kaushansky, Y Brilon, N Chapal-Ilani, T Biezuner, LI Shlush, DDH KimFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.