Clinical Practice Guidelines for Extramammary Paget Disease
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Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines for Extramammary Paget Disease
JAMA Oncol 2022 Jan 20;[EPub Ahead of Print], N Kibbi, JL Owen, B Worley, JX Wang, V Harikumar, MB Downing, SZ Aasi, PP Aung, CA Barker, D Bolotin, JS Bordeaux, TV Cartee, S Chandra, NL Cho, JN Choi, KY Chung, WA Cliby, O Dorigo, DB Eisen, Y Fujisawa, N Golda, TR Halfdanarson, C Iavazzo, SIB Jiang, J Kanitakis, A Khan, JYS Kim, TM Kuzel, N Lawrence, MM Leitao, AB MacLean, IA Maher, BB Mittal, KS Nehal, DM Ozog, CA Pettaway, JS Ross, AM Rossi, S Servaes, MJ Solomon, VD Thomas, M Tolia, BB Voelzke, A Waldman, MK Wong, Y Zhou, N Arai, A Brackett, SA Ibrahim, BY Kang, E Poon, M AlamFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.