Clinical Efficacy of Hydroxychloroquine in Patients With COVID-19 Pneumonia Who Require Oxygen
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Clinical Efficacy of Hydroxychloroquine in Patients With Covid-19 Pneumonia Who Require Oxygen: Observational Comparative Study Using Routine Care Data
BMJ 2020 May 14;369(xx)m1844, M Mahévas, VT Tran, M Roumier, A Chabrol, R Paule, C Guillaud, E Fois, R Lepeule, TA Szwebel, FX Lescure, F Schlemmer, M Matignon, M Khellaf, E Crickx, B Terrier, C Morbieu, P Legendre, J Dang, Y Schoindre, JM Pawlotsky, M Michel, E Perrodeau, N Carlier, N Roche, V de Lastours, C Ourghanlian, S Kerneis, P Ménager, L Mouthon, E Audureau, P Ravaud, B Godeau, S Gallien, N Costedoat-ChalumeauFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.