Clinical Course of Acute-on-Chronic Liver Failure Syndrome
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Clinical Course of Acute-on-Chronic Liver Failure Syndrome and Effects on Prognosis
Hepatology 2015 Jul 01;62(1)243-252, T Gustot, J Fernandez, E Garcia, F Morando, P Caraceni, C Alessandria, W Laleman, J Trebicka, L Elkrief, C Hopf, P Solís-Munoz, F Saliba, S Zeuzem, A Albillos, D Benten, JL Montero-Alvarez, MT Chivas, M Concepción, J Córdoba, A McCormick, R Stauber, W Vogel, A de Gottardi, TM Welzel, M Domenicali, A Risso, J Wendon, C Deulofeu, P Angeli, F Durand, M Pavesi, A Gerbes, R Jalan, R Moreau, P Ginés, M Bernardi, V ArroyoFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.