Chemotherapy vs Chemoradiotherapy After Surgery and Preoperative Chemotherapy for Resectable Gastric Cancer
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Chemotherapy Versus Chemoradiotherapy After Surgery and Preoperative Chemotherapy for Resectable Gastric Cancer (CRITICS): An International, Open-Label, Randomised Phase 3 Trial
Lancet Oncol 2018 Apr 09;[EPub Ahead of Print], A Cats, EPM Jansen, NCT van Grieken, K Sikorska, P Lind, M Nordsmark, E Meershoek-Klein Kranenbarg, H Boot, AK Trip, HAM Swellengrebel, HWM van Laarhoven, H Putter, JW van Sandick, MI van Berge Henegouwen, HH Hartgrink, H van Tinteren, CJH van de Velde, M VerheijFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.