Characterization and Clinical Course of 1000 Patients With COVID-19 in New York
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BMJ: British Medical Journal
From MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.
Characterization and Clinical Course of 1000 Patients With Coronavirus Disease 2019 in New York: Retrospective Case Series
BMJ 2020 May 29;369(xx)m1996, MG Argenziano, SL Bruce, CL Slater, JR Tiao, MR Baldwin, RG Barr, BP Chang, KH Chau, JJ Choi, N Gavin, P Goyal, AM Mills, AA Patel, MS Romney, MM Safford, NW Schluger, S Sengupta, ME Sobieszczyk, JE Zucker, PA Asadourian, FM Bell, R Boyd, MF Cohen, MI Colquhoun, LA Colville, JH de Jonge, LB Dershowitz, SA Dey, KA Eiseman, ZP Girvin, DT Goni, AA Harb, N Herzik, S Householder, LE Karaaslan, H Lee, E Lieberman, A Ling, R Lu, AY Shou, AC Sisti, ZE Snow, CP Sperring, Y Xiong, HW Zhou, K Natarajan, G Hripcsak, R ChenFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.