Case Series Reveals Lack of Effective Treatments for Palmoplantar Pustulosis
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Evaluation of a Case Series of Patients With Palmoplantar Pustulosis in the United States
JAMA Dermatol 2021 Dec 08;[EPub Ahead of Print], MH Noe, MT Wan, A Mostaghimi, JM Gelfand, , R Agnihothri, AW Armstrong, T Bhutani, A Bridges, N Brownstone, M Butt, KPC Duffin, C Carr, A Creadore, KL DeNiro, S Desai, AR Dominguez, EK Duffy, JA Fairley, A Femia, JE Gudjonsson, JA Kaffenberger, KL Katz, JS Kirby, ST Le, E Martinez, E Maverakis, B Myers, HB Naik, CA Nelson, AG Ortega-Loayza, ME Plovanich, LK Rangel, V Ravi, VD Reddy, JZ Saleh, JK Sandhu, H Shakshouk, BE Shields, Z Sharif-Sidi, J Smith, A Steahr, A Toussi, KA Wanat, B Wang, BM Wei, A Weinhammer, SD Worswick, A YangFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.