Carboplatin in BRCA1/2-Mutated and TNBC BRCA Subgroups
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Carboplatin in BRCA1/2-Mutated and Triple-Negative Breast Cancer BRCAness Subgroups: The TNT Trial
Nat. Med. 2018 May 01;24(5)628-637, A Tutt, H Tovey, MCU Cheang, S Kernaghan, L Kilburn, P Gazinska, J Owen, J Abraham, S Barrett, P Barrett-Lee, R Brown, S Chan, M Dowsett, JM Flanagan, L Fox, A Grigoriadis, A Gutin, C Harper-Wynne, MQ Hatton, KA Hoadley, J Parikh, P Parker, CM Perou, R Roylance, V Shah, A Shaw, IE Smith, KM Timms, AM Wardley, G Wilson, C Gillett, JS Lanchbury, A Ashworth, N Rahman, M Harries, P Ellis, SE Pinder, JM BlissFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.