Canagliflozin and Major Cardiovascular and Kidney Events in Patients With Different Baseline Levels of HbA1c, Disease Duration, and Treatment Intensity
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Effects of canagliflozin compared with placebo on major adverse cardiovascular and kidney events in patient groups with different baseline levels of HbA1c, disease duration and treatment intensity: results from the CANVAS Program
Diabetologia 2021 Nov 01;64(11)2402-2414, TK Young, JW Li, A Kang, HJL Heerspink, C Hockham, C Arnott, BL Neuen, S Zoungas, KW Mahaffey, V Perkovic, D de Zeeuw, G Fulcher, B Neal, M JardineFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.