Brachial–Ankle Pulse Wave Velocity Predicts CVD Risk
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Brachial-Ankle Pulse Wave Velocity and the Risk Prediction of Cardiovascular Disease: An Individual Participant Data Meta-Analysis
Hypertension 2017 Apr 24;[EPub Ahead of Print], T Ohkuma, T Ninomiya, H Tomiyama, K Kario, S Hoshide, Y Kita, T Inoguchi, Y Maeda, K Kohara, Y Tabara, M Nakamura, T Ohkubo, H Watada, M Munakata, M Ohishi, N Ito, M Nakamura, T Shoji, C Vlachopoulos, A YamashinaFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.