Benefit of Prophylactic Pancreatic Stent Placement During High-Risk ERCP: Technical Factors
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Technical factors associated with the benefit of prophylactic pancreatic stent placement during high-risk ERCP: a secondary analysis of the SVI trial dataset
Am. J. Gastroenterol 2024 Aug 27;[EPub Ahead of Print], BJ Elmunzer, J Zhang, GA Coté, SA Edmundowicz, S Wani, R Shah, JY Bang, S Varadarajulu, VK Singh, M Khashab, RS Kwon, JM Scheiman, FF Willingham, SA Keilin, GI Papachristou, A Chak, A Slivka, D Mullady, V Kushnir, J Buxbaum, R Keswani, TB Gardner, N Forbes, A Rastogi, A Ross, J Law, P Yachimski, YI Chen, A Barkun, ZL Smith, J Serrano, B Petersen, AY Wang, JR Saltzman, RL Spitzer, C Ordiah, C Spino, LD Foster, V Durkalski-MauldinFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.