Attenuation of Increased Insulin Resistance in Children
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A 2 Year Physical Activity and Dietary Intervention Attenuates the Increase in Insulin Resistance in a General Population of Children: The PANIC Study
Diabetologia 2020 Nov 01;63(11)2270-2281, TA Lakka, N Lintu, J Väistö, A Viitasalo, T Sallinen, EA Haapala, TT Tompuri, S Soininen, P Karjalainen, TM Schnurr, S Mikkonen, M Atalay, TO Kilpeläinen, T Laitinen, DE Laaksonen, K Savonen, S Brage, U Schwab, J Jääskeläinen, V Lindi, AM ElorantaFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.