Atezolizumab, Vemurafenib, and Cobimetinib as First-Line Treatment for Unresectable Advanced BRAFV600 Mutation–Positive Melanoma
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Atezolizumab, Vemurafenib, and Cobimetinib as First-Line Treatment for Unresectable Advanced BRAFV600 Mutation-Positive Melanoma (IMspire150): Primary Analysis of the Randomised, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Phase 3 Trial
Lancet 2020 Jun 13;395(10240)1835-1844, R Gutzmer, D Stroyakovskiy, H Gogas, C Robert, K Lewis, S Protsenko, RP Pereira, T Eigentler, P Rutkowski, L Demidov, GM Manikhas, Y Yan, KC Huang, A Uyei, V McNally, GA McArthur, PA AsciertoFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.