Association of Kidney Comorbidities and Acute Kidney Failure With Poor Outcomes After COVID-19 in Individuals With Sickle Cell Trait
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Association of Kidney Comorbidities and Acute Kidney Failure With Unfavorable Outcomes After COVID-19 in Individuals With the Sickle Cell Trait
JAMA Intern Med 2022 Aug 01;182(8)796-804, A Verma, JE Huffman, L Gao, J Minnier, WC Wu, K Cho, YL Ho, BR Gorman, S Pyarajan, N Rajeevan, H Garcon, J Joseph, JE McGeary, A Suzuki, PD Reaven, ES Wan, JA Lynch, JM Petersen, JB Meigs, MS Freiberg, E Gatsby, KE Lynch, SM Zekavat, P Natarajan, S Dalal, DN Jhala, M Arjomandi, RA Bonomo, TK Thompson, GA Pathak, JJ Zhou, CJ Donskey, RK Madduri, QS Wells, J Gelernter, RDL Huang, R Polimanti, KM Chang, KP Liao, PS Tsao, YV Sun, PWF Wilson, CJ O'Donnell, AM Hung, JM Gaziano, RL Hauger, SK Iyengar, SW LuohFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.