Association of Increased HDL and Low Triglyceride Levels With Age-Related Macular Degeneration
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Increased High Density Lipoprotein-Levels Associated With Age-Related Macular Degeneration. Evidence From the EYE-RISK and E3 Consortia
Ophthalmology 2018 Oct 10;[EPub Ahead of Print], JM Colijn, AID Hollander, A Demirkan, A Cougnard-Grégoire, T Verzijden, E Kersten, MA Meester, BMJ Merle, G Papageorgiou, S Ahmad, MT Mulder, MA Costa, P Benlian, G Bertelsen, A Bron, B Claes, C Creuzot-Garcher, MG Erke, S Fauser, PJ Foster, CJ Hammond, HW Hense, CB Hoyng, AP Khawaja, J Korobelnik, S Piermarocchi, T Segato, R Silva, EH Souied, KM Williams, CM van Duijn, C Delcourt, CCW KlaverFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.