Association of Immune-Related Adverse Event Management With Survival in Patients With Advanced Melanoma
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Association of Immune-Related Adverse Event Management With Survival in Patients With Advanced Melanoma
JAMA Oncol 2022 Oct 27;[EPub Ahead of Print], OJ van Not, RJ Verheijden, AJM van den Eertwegh, JBAG Haanen, MJB Aarts, FWPJ van den Berkmortel, CU Blank, MJ Boers-Sonderen, JB de Groot, GAP Hospers, AM Kamphuis, E Kapiteijn, AM May, MM de Meza, D Piersma, R van Rijn, MA Stevense-den Boer, AAM van der Veldt, G Vreugdenhil, WAM Blokx, MJM Wouters, KPM SuijkerbuijkFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.