Association of Early Food Intervention and Skin Emollient Application With Food Allergy Prevention in Young Children
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Early food intervention and skin emollients to prevent food allergy in young children (PreventADALL): a factorial, multicentre, cluster-randomised trial
Lancet 2022 Jun 25;399(10344)2398-2411, HO Skjerven, A Lie, R Vettukattil, EM Rehbinder, M LeBlanc, A Asarnoj, KH Carlsen, ÅW Despriee, M Färdig, SW Gerdin, B Granum, HK Gudmundsdóttir, G Haugen, G Hedlin, G Håland, CM Jonassen, L Landrø, CO Mägi, IC Olsen, K Rudi, CM Saunders, MK Skram, AC Staff, C Söderhäll, SG Tedner, S Aadalen, H Aaneland, B Nordlund, KC Lødrup CarlsenFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.