Association Between Coronary Atherosclerotic Plaque Activity and Future Coronary Events
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Coronary Atherosclerotic Plaque Activity and Future Coronary Events
JAMA Cardiol 2023 Aug 01;8(8)755-764, A Moss, M Daghem, E Tzolos, MN Meah, KL Wang, A Bularga, PD Adamson, J Kwiecinski, A Fletcher, D Dawson, P Arumugam, N Sabharwal, JP Greenwood, JN Townend, PA Calvert, JHF Rudd, D Berman, J Verjans, P Slomka, D Dey, L Forsyth, L Murdoch, RJ Lee, S Lewis, NL Mills, EJR van Beek, MC Williams, MR Dweck, DE NewbyFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.