Application of Non-HDL Cholesterol for Population-Based Cardiovascular Risk Stratification
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Application of Non-HDL Cholesterol for Population-Based Cardiovascular Risk Stratification: Results From the Multinational Cardiovascular Risk Consortium
Lancet 2019 Dec 03;[EPub Ahead of Print], FJ Brunner, C Waldeyer, F Ojeda, V Salomaa, F Kee, S Sans, B Thorand, S Giampaoli, P Brambilla, H Tunstall-Pedoe, M Moitry, L Iacoviello, G Veronesi, G Grassi, EB Mathiesen, S Söderberg, A Linneberg, H Brenner, P Amouyel, J Ferrières, A Tamosiunas, YP Nikitin, W Drygas, O Melander, KH Jöckel, DM Leistner, JE Shaw, DB Panagiotakos, LA Simons, M Kavousi, RS Vasan, RPF Dullaart, SG Wannamethee, U Risérus, S Shea, JA de Lemos, T Omland, K Kuulasmaa, U Landmesser, S BlankenbergFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.