Antiviral CD8+ T-Cell Immune Responses Are Impaired by Cigarette Smoke and in COPD
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Antiviral CD8+ T-cell immune responses are impaired by cigarette smoke and in COPD
Eur. Respir. J. 2023 Aug 01;62(2)2201374, J Chen, X Wang, A Schmalen, S Haines, M Wolff, H Ma, H Zhang, MG Stoleriu, J Nowak, M Nakayama, M Bueno, J Brands, AL Mora, JS Lee, S Krauss-Etschmann, A Dmitrieva, M Frankenberger, TP Hofer, E Noessner, A Moosmann, J Behr, K Milger, CA Deeg, CA Staab-Weijnitz, SM Hauck, H Adler, T Goldmann, KI Gaede, J Behrends, IE Kammerl, S MeinersFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.