Anticoagulation Treatment in COVID-19 Patients With Elevated D-Dimer
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Therapeutic Versus Prophylactic Anticoagulation for Patients Admitted to Hospital With COVID-19 and Elevated D-Dimer Concentration (ACTION): An Open-Label, Multicentre, Randomised, Controlled Trial
Lancet 2021 Jun 12;397(10291)2253-2263, RD Lopes, PGM de Barros E Silva, RHM Furtado, AVS Macedo, B Bronhara, LP Damiani, LM Barbosa, J de Aveiro Morata, E Ramacciotti, P de Aquino Martins, AL de Oliveira, VS Nunes, LEF Ritt, AT Rocha, L Tramujas, SV Santos, DRA Diaz, LS Viana, LMG Melro, MS de Alcântara Chaud, EL Figueiredo, FC Neuenschwander, MDA Dracoulakis, RGSD Lima, VC de Souza Dantas, ACS Fernandes, OCE Gebara, ME Hernandes, DAR Queiroz, VC Veiga, MF Canesin, LM de Faria, GS Feitosa-Filho, MB Gazzana, IL Liporace, A de Oliveira Twardowsky, LN Maia, FR Machado, A de Matos Soeiro, GE Conceição-Souza, L Armaganijan, PO Guimarães, RG Rosa, LCP Azevedo, JH Alexander, A Avezum, AB Cavalcanti, O Berwanger, ACTION Coalition COVID-19 Brazil IV InvestigatorsFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.