Adjuvant Radiotherapy Mitigates the Impact of Perineural Invasion on Oncologic Outcomes in Patients With Early-Stage Oral Cavity Squamous Cell Carcinoma
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Adjuvant radiotherapy mitigates impact of perineural invasion on oncologic outcomes in early-stage oral cavity squamous cell carcinoma. A multi-institutional analysis of 557 patients
Oral Oncol 2023 Jul 01;142(2023)106420, AJ Holcomb, N Farrokhian, C Tolan, E Whiteford, M Villwock, K Kakarala, Y Shnayder, K Sykes, C Lominska, G Gan, MR Buchakjian, B Harding, L Dooley, J Shinn, C Burton Wood, S Rohde, S Khaja, NB Abt, M Varvares, AM BurFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.