2015 Top Stories in Neurology: CIDP Unresponsive to Therapy
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- Allen JA, Lewis RA. CIDP diagnostic pitfalls and perception of treatment benefit. Neurology. 2015;85(6):498-504.
- Miura Y, Devaux JJ, Fukami Y, et al. Contactin 1 IgG4 associates to chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy with sensory ataxia. Brain. 2015;138(Pt 6):1484-1491.
- Ogata H, Yamasaki R, Hiwatashi A, et al. Characterization of IgG4 anti-neurofascin 155 antibody-positive polyneuropathy. Ann Clin Transl Neurol. 2015;2(10):960-971.
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