2014 Top Stories in Urology: Pediatric Urology
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- Hoberman A, Greenfield SP, RIVUR Trial Investigators. Antimicrobial prophylaxis for children with vesicoureteral reflux. N Engl J Med. 2014;370(25):2367-2376.
- Chesney RW, Carpenter MA, Moxey-Mims M, et al. Randomized intervention for Children With Vesicoureteral Reflux (RIVUR): background commentary of RIVUR investigators. Pediatrics. 2008;122 Suppl 5: S233-S239.
- Tekgül S, Riedmiller H, Hoebeke P, et al. EAU guidelines on vesicoureteral reflux in children. Eur Urol. 212;62(3):534-542.
- Peters CA, Skoog SJ, Arant BS JR, et al. Summary of the AUA guideline on management of primary vesicoureteral reflux in children. J Urol. 2010;184(3):1134-1144.
- Craig JC, Simpson JM, Williams GJ, et al. Antibiotic prophylaxis and recurrent urinary tract infection in children. N Engl J Med. 2009;361(18):1748-1759.
- Subcommittee on Urinary Tract Infection, Steering Committee on Quality Improvement and Management, Roberts KB. Urinary tract infection: clinical practice guideline for the diagnosis and management of the initial UTI in febrile infants and children 2 to 24 months. Pediatrics. 2011;128(3):595-610.
- Brandström P, Esbjörner E, Herthelius M, et al. The Swedish reflux trial in children: I. Study design and study population characteristics. J Urol. 2010;184(1):274-279.
- Brandström P, Nevéus T, Sixt R,et al. The Swedish reflux trial in children: IV. Renal damage. J Urol. 2010;184(1):292-297.
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