2014 Top Stories in Dermatology: Ten Dermatology Tips that Changed My Clinical Practice in 2014
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- Sandborn WJ, Casink C, Gao LL, et al. Ustekinumab induction and maintenance therapy in refractory Crohn's disease. N Engl J Med. 2012;367(16):1519-1528.
- Heetun ZS, Keegan D, O’Donoghue D, Doherty GA. Report of successful use of ustekinumab in Crohn’s disease refractory to three anti-TNF therapies. Ir J Med Sci. 2014;183(3):507-508.
- Almugairen N, Hospital V, Bedane C, et al. Assessment of the rate of long-term complete remission off therapy in patients with pemphigus treated with different regimens including medium- and high-dose corticosteroids. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2013;69(4):583-588.
- Reguiai Z, Tabary T, Maizières M, Bernard P. Rituximab treatment of severe pemphigus: Long-term results including immunologic follow-up. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2012;67(4):623-629.
- Hall RP, Fairley J, Woodley D, et al. A multi-centered randomized trial of the treatment of pemphigus vulgaris patients with infliximab and prednisone compared to prednisone alone [published online ahead of print August 13, 2014]. Br J Dermatol. doi: 10.1111/bjd.13350.
- Taib A, Ortonne JP, Ruzicka T, et al. Superiority of ivermectin 1% cream over metronidazole 0.75% cream in treating inflammatory lesions of rosacea: a randomized, investigator-blinded trial [published online ahead of print September 16, 2014]. Br J Dermatol. doi: 10.1111/bjd.13408.
- Cosulich M, Molenda MA, Mostow E, et al. Minimal incision extraction of lipomas [published online ahead of print October 22, 2014]. JAMA Dermatol. doi: 10.1001/jamadermatol.2014.3234.
- Gathings R, Reddy R, Santa Cruz D, Brodell RT. Gadolinium-associated plaques: a new, distinctive clinical entity [published online ahead of print November 12, 2014]. JAMA Dermatology. doi: 10.1001/jamadermatol.2014.2660.
- Ruocco V, Ruocco E, Piccolo V, et al. The immunocompromised district in dermatology: a unifying pathogenic view of the regional immune dysregulation. Clin Dermatol. 2014;32(5):569-576.
- Spring P, Spanou Z, de Viragh PA. Lichen planopilaris treated by the peroxisome proliferator activated receptor-γ agonist pioglitazone: lack of lasting improvement or cure in the majority of patients. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2013;69(5):830-832.
- Park J, Yun SK, Cho YS, et al. Treatment of angiofibromas in tuberous sclerosis complex: the effect of topical rapamycin and concomitant laser therapy. Dermatology. 2014;228(1):37-41.
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