Mark A. Cruz DDS
Dentist in Private Practice, Monarch Beach, CaliforniaMark A Cruz DDS is in private practice in Monarch Beach, CA and was a part-time lecturer and assistant director of the UCLA Center for Esthetic Dentistry. He has served on the National institute of Health/NIDCR Grant review Committee and the DSMB (data safety management board) for the NPBRN (national practice-based research network).
No dislosures reported.Recent Contributions to PracticeUpdate:
- The Role of Dentists in the Diagnosis and Management of Sleep Disorders
- Regulation of Mouth Taping and Obstructive Sleep Apnea Therapies
- Treatment Effectiveness and Patient-Reported Outcome Measures of Four Treatment Options for OSA
- Association Between the Extraction of Second Premolars and Airway Volume
- Conventional and Digital Impression Techniques Led to Similar Clinical Outcomes in Tooth- and Implant-Supported Fixed Prostheses
- Impact of Abutment Geometry on Early Implant Marginal Bone Loss
- Treatment Guidelines for Posterior Bite Collapse
- Comparison of External, Internal Flat-to-Flat, and Conical Implant Abutment Connections for Implant-Supported Prostheses
- Proximal Contact Loss in Implant-Supported Restorations
- Medications and Addictive Substances Potentially Inducing or Attenuating Sleep Bruxism and/or Awake Bruxism