Freda Sii MD
Senior Glaucoma Fellow at University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust and the Senior Research Fellow for Birmingham Institute for Glaucoma Research, Birmingham, EnglandFreda Sii is the Senior Glaucoma Fellow at University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust and the Senior Research Fellow for Birmingham Institute for Glaucoma Research. She is also part of the 'ReGAE' (Research into Glaucoma And Ethnicity) team led by Professor Peter Shah. She is currently leading the UK Paediatric Ocular Trauma Study in collaboration with the British Ophthalmic Surveillance Unit (BOSU) to determine the epidemiology, mechanism and outcome of childhood eye injury in the UK with the aim of development of preventative strategies.
Freda Sii has 28 peer-reviewed publication papers and has presented at many national and international meetings. She is a co-author in several book chapters in glaucoma and glaucoma surgery. She has also helped to develop educational tools for fellows (Glaucoma Fellowship Learning Needs Assessment Tool and Paediatric Ophthalmology Fellowship Learning Needs Assessment Tool), and patient engagement tools (Glaucoma Passport and Children's Glaucoma Passport). She has organised numerous educational courses and masterclasses since 2005 (e.g. National Ocular Masterclass, National Glaucoma Masterclass and Trabeculectomy Wet Labs) and Patient and Public Involvement events (National Glaucoma Think Tank in collaboration with International Glaucoma Association).