Eugene B. Chang MD
Martin Boyer Professor of Medicine, Knapp Center for Biomedical Discovery, University of Chicago, Chicago, IlinoisDr. Eugene Chang is the Martin Boyer Distinguished Professor of Medicine and the Director of the Microbiome Medicine Program at the University of Chicago. He studies the intestinal microbiome, seeking to understand how gut microbes interact with the host, particularly in the context of health, complex immune disorders, and metabolic diseases. This relationship is fundamental to our health and, when perturbed, the consequences can be catastrophic. He is determining what factors are involved in the selection and assembly of intestinal microbes, and how they can be used to reshape the enteric microbiome to prevent and treat disease. He employs cutting edge approaches that include cultivation-dependent and –independent technologies for microbial analysis, genetically modified and gnotobiotic mouse models, metabolic and functional measurements, and advanced bioinformatic tools to investigate both the host and the microbiome.