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Ryan Svoboda MD, MS

Ryan M Svoboda MD, MS

Clinical Research Fellow in Cutaneous Malignancy, National Society for Cutaneous Medicine, New York, NY

Dr. Svoboda currently serves as Clinical Research Fellow in Cutaneous Malignancy for the National Society for Cutaneous Medicine in New York City. Working with Dr. Darrell Rigel, a world-expert in melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancer, his research focuses on efficacy of sunscreen in real world situations, consumer knowledge and patterns of sunscreen use, and application of novel technologies to the diagnosis and treatment of skin cancer. He also has a background in epidemiology and clinical outcomes research and has authored several peer-reviewed articles and book chapters. Additionally, Dr. Svoboda is heavily involved in the day-to-day management of SKIN-The Journal of Cutaneous Medicine™.


No relevant disclosures reported.